Sunday, October 19, 2008


According to Hindu philosophy there are three principle gods, the trinity as it’s called, Brahma the creator, Vishnu the protector and Shiva the destroyer. All other heavenly beings are considered to be reincarnations or manifestations of these three principle entities.
The universe is in Brahma consciousness, created by Brahma, hence the Sanskrit phrase Aham Bramhasmi “I am Brahma”. Which tires to remind us that I am he, a divine being made in the image of god himself.
Lord Vishnu is the divine sustainers and Lord Shiva represents the destroyer of evil or veil of Maya.
Maya is cosmic disillusion, Satan according to the bible which prevents us from realizing our true divinity.
Maya keeps us in ego conscious with its limitations and individuality making us feel that we are separate being and that our physical body and surrounding are in fact the only reality.
This trinity of Brahma Vishnu and Shiva are represented by AUM. The syllable ‘Aa’ is Brahma, ‘U’ Vishnu and ‘M’ Shiva. When we chant AUM we capture the entire cosmos, all words, all things all of everything stems out of this universal sound of vibration. Thus there can never exist any word more powerful than AUM because the word includes Everything.
Yoga means to join. Joining of the Atma to the paramatma. A yogi is a seeker of Cosmic consciousness, seeking the non-dual every lasting bliss (in Sanskrit “Sat chit Ananda”) which in more colloquial terms is God. As a true yogi has an expansion of consciousness, he reaches the realm of the AUM consciousness where he experiences the whole universe as a vibratory outcome of the AUM chant. This is an evolved state of being wherein the observer, the observation and the observed become one.
Anyways for starters, AUM meditation can be a very powerful stress buster, a simple 5 min a day chant can work miracles into your life. Try it because when you chant AUM you are in tune with the song of the Universe.

(Sat: True, pure Chit: consciousness Ananda: bliss)

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Nature of Everything

There is an innate desire in all of to seek answers, answers to fundamental questions that are at the very core of our existence. Each of us as per our beliefs, experience and introspection tide down this search into a set of perceptions, which we then believe governs everything. Religion, superstition and ritual are then all outcomes of trying to quantify the elusive. Nevertheless the apparently endless quest continues.

Albert Einstein in with his theory of relativity proved that all we perceive (Light and matter) is in reality Energy, i.e. matter and energy is inter convertible.
m:mass c: Speed of light (constant)
This is further corroborated when matter is put under an electron microscope, the observation reveals that 99% of what we conceive as solid is in fact hollow. Thus energy is all that exists. Energy be it light , sound, heat, electrical or any other form vibrates. Just as Energy is at the heart of all matter , it is the vibration that is an inseparable entity of all energy. So we may now modify the equation to
Vibration = mc^2 x constant
This hypothesis that everything around us including ourselves are vibrations. The most subtle form of a vibration is a thought. Each time we think, we create a vibration. Thus now, the equation can be transformed into its final form:
Thoughts = mc ^2 x constant
Thus we conclude that our entire universe has its origins in our thoughts.
Quantum physists now postulate that it is impossible for a universe to exist without mind entering into it. The mind is shaping the very thing that the mind is trying to perceive. In other words, the perception of the perceived is being distorted by the perception of the perceiver. A fact proved during quantum level experiments where the outcomes vary depending upon the observer.
The ancient hindu scriptures also proscribe to the theory. AUM in Hinduism (Ahem in Christianity, Amin in Islam) stands for the universal sound of vibration. The vibration gave rise to the entire universe.
“At first there was the word, and the word was Ahem” - Matthew
Where does this point us to? If our entire universe (and countless other universes) originated from a single vibration, where is the origin of that vibration? Who conceived that thought? What is the nature of the creator?
A simple exercise may help: Chant the word AUM repeatedly and rhythmically....
It would go something like this: AUM AUM AUM AUM........
Observe that between two AUM there is a pause! A moment of silence , a void ..... a nothingness....
Or we can say silence gave rise to AUM!
But even in nothing you need something to know that nothing exists, “ something which is perceivably non-existent but still conscious of itself ” A entity through which all of everything manifests , the cosmic creator..... the cosmic consciousness.... the true nature of everything!