Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Desire to Desire

Every desire is a desire for happiness. Be it a kid’s demand for a tricycle, toy, chocolate or a
Adult wanting that new house, money, job, mobile...... fill in the blank. We want things that make us happy. In other words we seek happiness through the things we desire and the object of desire is our medium to that happiness.
On achieving our goal, we are happy. This fulfilment leads to a short-lived state of joy. But sooner rather than later we have a new desire and then our intention is directed towards this new obsession. Often when we fail, we are overcome by sadness and disappointment.
This is everyone’s story. We are encountered with this duality throughout our lives happiness and sadness come as complimentary packages, one following/leading the other. Yet we pine for our happiness, seek it in the material we see on the outside. When a person acquires all the things he materialistically desires (money, status, power) he yet finds a void within himself, he turns to charity.
By sharing with others he finds contentment and happiness but still does not satisfy his drive to be happy. At this stage of evolution, he realizes that nothing he seeks on the outside is ever going to make him permanently happy, he is directed inwards gradually he realizes that the true happiness he knew-not-why he searched lies within him.
God is bliss (ananda), non-dual, every lasting, perpetual bliss. With no opposites , no illusions pure bliss. It is this bliss which every soul seeks throughout its journey (countless lives). Miss directed intention makes us seek this happiness in the with-out. We make God out of small things, that is the power of human intention. There is no difference when we long for that toy as a kid or car as an adult , we are all programmed to seek happiness , just that we search in the wrong places. Unfulfilled desires of one life are carried forward to the next, be rest assured that every desire your soul has ever conceived will come to pass, the desire is what keeps us human. So our lives are a journey from one desire to the next, making every intermediate desire important, until we single-mindedly desire Him, at that point the object, the desire and the Desiree become one.
As Sri Krishna once said, “Seek me truly, you will find me.”


shashi bakshi said...
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shashi bakshi said...

Success is getting what you like....Happiness is liking what you get....