Monday, November 10, 2008

God made man .... Man made God

World over there are groups people who could kill for their religion, supreme duty they say.
Society calls them “fanatics” , still a milder, non-violent version exists and is treated quite differently. Religious sects , communities, and cliques all pride on their copyrighted version of God.
There was just one Great Mahavira, yet we find two distinct sect Deravasis and the Sthanakvasis, The Great Prophet Mohammad taught the world the meaning of God and the true surrender (Islam) to Him and yet people are more concerned whether you’re a Shia or a Sunni. Or the Christian divide on the basis of the virginity of the great Mother. The Hindu is classified till he fits a cosmically insignificant but egoistically supreme prototype, similar to how the animal kingdom is classified.
We take great honour in our engendered roots and identify ourselves. This is ego-religion.
I have met a few atheists (those who do not believe in the existence of God) and their lives are similar to everybody else. Happiness, victory , joy , sadness, birth, death, accidents, miracles seem to be part of their lives too. Yet I have a strong faith in my God, as a child I had been taught to say his name every night and it works miracles for me. Every time a pass a temple I bow my head in respect.
This is my up-bringing my set of laws, laws which reward and punish my actions. Entering a temple with shoes on is profane, or so is accepting Prasad with my left hand, but still to my dear catholic friend it is no more than a sweet. I have never attended Sunday mass or observed ramzan but still I turned out ok and so goes for my brothers who do not follow any hindu ritual. If a certain religion was supreme then all those who did not follow it would be doomed. An atheist would never get past a measly existence. So would that mean that religion/God is defined by a set of rules and rituals handed down from generation to generation, becoming an individual’s reality based on which family he is born?
Gautama Buddha was not born a Buddhist his thinking made him the supreme one. But these days we do not retrospect religion, what is told to us is what is and what we do not believe in is fiction .
Whatever we believe becomes true for us. A small play of cosmic delusion (Maya, Satan).
We find our God in our sub-conscious rather than look into the all inclusive non-dual super conscious.
We have a man-made god. We are the God that we seek in that temple, mosque, church. We define our rules, play by them and prepare our own score card. Whereas our sole purpose of existence is to merger back into the absolute.
A little thought and it would dawn upon us that every great teacher taught us about the same truth. The same reality the same objective of Human life. The sons of God all descended down the ages to tell us the same thing .Still we are more concerned with the language the message is written in rather than the message!

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